Our 2023-24 Class starts January 7th
Registration will open beginning Fall Break Sunday
Sundays | 9:30am
Students in 7th & 8th Grade
who haven’t gone through before
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is a class designed for seventh and eighth graders to help them understand and articulate what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Classes meet Sundays starting in January and meet each week during the 9:30am worship service. We cover topics like the Bible, Jesus and salvation, christianity vs. other religions, the trinity, and creation as well as things like our denomination, our leadership structure as a church, and what membership and involvement in Church looks like for the life of a Christ-follower. At the conclusion of the course students are invited to join the church and are encouraged to be baptized if a salvation decision has been made. Confirmation is a great step to help students go from learning about their faith to living out their faith!