Church is not a noun; it is a verb, an action verb. God chose the church as the instrument through which He wants to carry out His redeeming work in the world. Redeemer is engaged in mission locally and globally where we hear the spirit of God calling us to engage and where our people are leading the way.
Disciples True to God’s Mission
Genesis 12:1-3, Isaiah 6:8, John 3:16, Acts 13:1-3
Mission began with God and belongs to God. The central purpose of God’s mission has always been to reconcile people with God and with one another. All through the Bible, God sent people to participate in this mission of love for the whole world. This mission was fully embodied when God sent Jesus into our world as one of us. As God’s people we are also called to embody the good news wherever we are sent. We do our part with words, deeds, and living witness.
Participants in God’s Sending
Isaiah 49:6, John 10:16, 2 Corinthians 5:18, Isaiah 58:6-7
We are a community called, equipped, and sent by God for local and global ministries of service which God has prepared for us to do. As such, Redeemer Church seeks to encourage the whole church to find its appropriate place of participation in God’s mission.
Companions with God’s People
Psalm 119:63, Galatians 6:10
We are a community of Christ followers who join together as companions in mission with all who love and fear the Lord. We recognize that many of the tasks of mission are too large for any one church or organization to undertake alone. With God’s help, we strive to be partners in missions with others whom God has gifted. This includes shared mission ventures with local church initiatives, para-church organizations, denominational outreach, other specialized ministries, and groups of key leaders.
Local Mission Opportunity!
Every summer we host Serve Week to give everyone the opportunity to serve locally here in Tulsa. Last year we served at Tulsa Hills Youth Ranch, City Lights, Emergency Infant Services, Eden Village, and The Sheridan Springs Apartments.
Watch here for Serve Week 2025 details as summer draws near!