Learn what it means to live a full, abundant life connected in community!


Adult Sunday School

Learning the depths of scripture is deeply valued here at Redeemer. We currently offer four unique Sunday School classes. Each class includes biblical teaching along with the opportunity to build community and develop friendships. There is always time to share prayer needs and care for one another.  You are welcome to visit whichever class sounds like the best fit for you.


Salt & Light is a group of early risers ready to start their morning together in God’s Word. 
Note: Nursery and kid’s programs are unavailable this hour.

Meets in Redeemer Hall B.


Families United to Embody Love

This is a community of parents gathering to discover God’s purpose for families and encouraging one another in love.
Meets in Redeemer Hall A

Generations is a welcoming group of believers who are a variety of ages and stages of life. This is a discussion-driven class with both couples and singles.

Meets in Redeemer Hall B

Young Adults is a group of singles and young marrieds encouraging each other as we share our journeys, discovering more about what we believe, and growing in faith together .

Meets in Conference Room (105)


LIFT: Ladies In Faith Together! 
This is a class of women who study the Scripture, share our own faith discoveries and lift each other with love and support.

Meets in Conference Room (105)

Solid Rock is a friendly class that love studying the Scriptures and biblical history. They learn together, laugh together, pray together and help each other in times of need. 

Meets in Redeemer Hall A