Equipping women to identify and live Christ’s purpose and direction for their lives.

Redeemer Women hosts Bible Studies as well as events and retreats to provide fellowship and spiritual growth opportunities. It is our hope that these activities will serve as vehicles for women to develop a closer relationship with Christ and with each other.



Join us for this eight-week study on “Women of the Word” starting February 19th and ending on April 16th (no study on Spring Break Wednesday)


L.I.F.T. Sunday School Class

A class for women to study the Scripture together, to share our own faith discoveries and to lift each other with love and support.
Jae Jaeger is the guide for this class.
Meets Sunday mornings at 11:00am in Conference Room (105)

Solo Sisters

Solo Sisters is a group for women who find themselves alone socially.  They may be a widow, divorced, single or married. Our motto is Solo, But Never Alone. We gather twice a month for various activities like lunch and a movie, playing board games, doing crafts, visiting a local museum, strolling through a botanical garden or participating in a Redeemer service/mission project. Click here for more information about Solo Sisters or to get on our e-mail list to receive Solo Sisters email notifications & reminders of upcoming activities, contact Donna Lee or Judy Critchfield at solo.sisters.1@gmail.com.

If you love to knit or crochet, or would love to learn how, we’d love to have you. H.O.P.E. Chest meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday monthly, 9:30-11:00am, in Redeemer Hall.

We have yarn, a few knit and crochet patterns, and hearts ready to serve in this fun way!  Bring your needles, patterns, spare yarn, and a friend! 

If you are interested and/or have questions, please click here!


Join this group of happy quilters. Whether you have any experience or not! There are plenty of ways to participate such as ironing the material, cutting material, using the sewing machine, ripping out those pesky stitching oopsies!

This group meets the 3rd Tuesday monthly starting at 9:30am in Redeemer Hall.

For more information or to let us know you plan to join us, simply click here!

2024 Fall Bible Study

Identity in Christ

Whether you missed a session, want to listen again, or just weren’t able to participate at all, here’s something just for you!

2024 Spring Bible Study


Whether you missed a session, want to listen again, or just weren’t able to participate at all, here’s something just for you!

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Mentor Groups

More mature women paired with a group of younger women for the purpose of providing support and encouragement during their high school years, young adult and early marriage years, parenting years and beyond. These groups meet once a month at the home of the Mentor for at least a calendar year. For information on joining a mentor group or in possibly leading a group, please email mentoring@redeemertulsa.org to hear from our Mentoring Coordinator.