Redeemer’s local community outreach intentionally focuses resources of time, abilities, and money on projects and ministries that serve and help restore people in need, that are ongoing and that move all people involved, both “helper” and “helped” closer to being in a right relationship with God, self, and others.
Local Serving Opportunities
Redeemer Serve Day!
Saturday, April 5, 2025 @ 9:00am
Join us as we invite our neighbors to Easter at Redeemer! We will be going out with invitation cards and knocking on doors, starting at Sheridan Springs Apartments. This will be a great time to serve alongside your Redeemer family, while also getting to know families in our community. We will meet at the church at 9:00am to enjoy a light breakfast and pass out maps before we carpool to the apartments. We will be finished by 11:30am.
Redeemer Responders is a group of volunteer men and women who loves to serve others. They all have their own set of skills to help with one-time projects. The team is made up of both professional and amateur: carpenters, painters, plumbers, electricians, engineers, handymen, etc..
Redeemer Responders serve widows, elderly, single moms, or anyone who needs a project done around their home and unable to do it on their own. They also serve the church by volunteering for projects around the building.
Click the box below to join the Redeemer Responder team!
Do you or someone you know have a small home repair that can be handled by a knowledgeable non-professional? Perhaps fixing a stuck door, clearing a slow drain, cleaning out your dryer vent or replacing light bulbs that are hard to reach? Is there a yard project needing done that you can’t do on your own?
Redeemer Responders, a ministry of Redeemer, would like to help. To request Redeemer Responders, submit your request on the form below.
Redeemer Serve Day with City Lights!
Thursday, June 5, 2025 @ 6:15pm
Join us as we partner with City Lights and serve our unhoused neighbors. We will help serve dinner, give away clothing, pass out hygiene kits, set up kid-friendly activites, etc. This is always a great way to serve as a family, or with your friends or small group. Sign-ups coming soon.
Looking for other ways to volunteer around Tulsa?
Below are local ministries and organizations that Redeemer partners with and we encourage you to do the same!
If you are interested in serving with any of them, feel free to reach out to them directly or email Outreach@redeemertulsa.org with any questions.
BIXBY OUTREACH CENTER - WWW.BIXBYOUTREACH.ORG - Food pantry | Clothing | Financial assistance
CHANGING LANES - WWW.CHANGINGLANES.ORG - Biblically-based behavioral, emotional, and spiritual pastoral counseling
CITY LIGHTS - WWW.CITYLIGHTSOK.ORG - Assistance programs for Tulsans facing housing insecurities including food & clothing
THE COMMON GOOD | THE HUB - WWW.CGTULSA.ORG - Community Center | After-school & Senior programming | Food assistance
EDEN VILLAGE - WWW.EDENVILLAGETULSA.ORG - Tiny homes for the unhoused | Community Center
EMERGENCY INFANT SERVICES - WWW.EISTULSA.ORG - Provides basic needs of infants & young children
INSIDE OUT RE-ENTRY SERVICES - WWW.IORS.ORG - Second chances for women recovering from addiction or abusive relationships
MEND MEDICAL - WWW.MENDMEDICAL.ORG - Pregnancy center | Parenting classes | Assists with baby needs
THE MERCHANT - WWW.THEMERCHANTTULSA.COM - Day shelter for the unhoused | Soup kitchen | Clothing
PARENT CHILD CENTER OF TULSA - WWW.PARENTCHILDCENTER.ORG - Prevent child abuse & neglect | Education & treatment | Advocacy
SAFE FAMILIES - WWW.SAFEFAMILIESOK.ORG - Foster care prevention | Partnering with parents
TULSA HILLS YOUTH RANCH - WWW.TULSAHILLSYOUTHRANCH.ORG - Mentor program for foster kids & at-risk youth
Contact Amy Cenea with any local outreach questions at amy.cenea@redeemertulsa.org.
Below are some additional year-round opportunities to serve right here at Redeemer that impacts our entire Tulsa community.
Donation Station
Help us help others…every Sunday this spring you can support Mend Medical Services and Bixby Outreach Center by bringing DIAPERS of all sizes. The Donation Station is located just in front of Redeemer Hall and we are always accepting non-perishable pantry items and hygiene supplies.
H.O.P.E. Chest
Do you love to knit or crochet? Do you want to learn? Helping Other People Everywhere is good old-fashioned stitching fun. We'll meet each month at the church to work together to make things for cancer patients or others in need.
HOPE Chest meets the 2nd and 4th and 5th Thursdays of each month at Redeemer, 9:30 - 11:30am.
Our first emphasis is keeping The Giving Tree at Oklahoma Cancer Treatment stocked, but we help out other cancer treatment centers, too — as well as giving to individuals as we learn of their need.
We have yarn, a few knit and crochet patterns, and hearts ready to serve in this fun way! Bring your needles, patterns, spare yarn, and a friend! All yarn donations are appreciated.
Quilt, Pray, Bless
Each Knot Represents a Prayer
A heavy thread is used to take stitches through the quilt layers – the ends of which are left free to be tied with a square knot. As each knot is tied, a silent prayer is offered for someone in need – someone who has asked us to pray for them. The quilt is then given to that person. What makes each quilt unique is not the pattern, color, or workmanship, but the fact that prayer is symbolically tied into each one. These comforters are a statement of faith, and a testimony to our belief in God and in the power of prayer
Everyone is Welcome – from beginners to experienced quilters! Even if you don’t sew, we need people to cut and iron. We meet the 3rd Tuesday each month in Redeemer Hall.
There are many ways to serve and support this ministry
Donate clean fabric, wash and iron fabric, cut material, make cards to accompany the quilt, sew strips to make squares, sew heavy thread into the quilt for tying, identify someone who needs a prayer quilt, assist with fund raising, or pray for our ministry.