Easter at Redeemer

April 9 • 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00am

Join us for worship as we celebrate our Risen Savior on Easter Sunday! We will have three services, all available online or in-person. Redeemer Hall will also be available during all three service times for seating once the Sanctuary becomes full.

From our Lead Pastor…

Dear Redeemer Family,

Before our Easter celebration this Sunday, we must acknowledge the events that took place on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. The cross is the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy—

Jesus was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities Isaiah 53:5

With profound appreciation, we should linger in sorrow as we remember it was our sin that led Jesus to the cross. I invite you and your family to take intentional time to watch Redeemer’s Online Tenebrae Experience. Tenebrae is a Latin word that means, “shadows.” As you engage with this online experience, contemplate the darkness that Jesus endured for you and me. When Jesus died, darkness thought it won. But in the words of author Bob Goff, “heaven just started counting to three.”

With you in sorrow and hope,

Adam Barnett
Lead Pastor

Palm Sunday at Redeemer

April 2 • 9:30 & 11:00am

Our Kids Choir will be singing in both services and we will have our annual Easter Egg Hunt after the 11:00am service at 12:15pm. And Brownie’s Burgers Food Truck will be at the Redeemer Lawn providing FREE lunch for everyone!

Maundy Thursday at Redeemer

April 6 • 6:30m

As we reflect on the Last Super our choir & orchestra will lead us in a wonderful service. We will also take communion together. Everyone is welcome to join in the sanctuary and we will have nursery childcare available for birth through kindergarten.