Thursday | Week 2

If you are a parent, have you ever tried to inspire your children with a good old-fashioned pep talk? Maybe it was before a big game, an important test, or a job interview. My children are still young, but I’ve made one strong impression on my daughter’s soccer team through my weekly pep talks. Before her games, I ask her: “Ellie, who is going to win today?” Sometimes her entire team will answer my question by shouting, “The team that wants it the most will win!” As a mother, I take seriously my role in inspiring my children to rise to the occasion! 

In another scenario, I remember my son walking up to a football field one day and seeing his opponents. He stopped and stared in fear. His rival team looked intimidating, at least to my son. After one look at his opponents, he was sure his team was doomed. “We are going to lose today,” he said. We were surprised by his comment, considering he hadn’t seen the team play, or even warm up yet! I’m not sure what made him so fearful, but it was the perfect time for my husband to step in, inspire him, and challenge him. “Andre, whoever wants it the most will win this game.” Andre’s team, unsurprisingly, won that day!

I imagine that Mary was certain she was called to inspire Jesus in John 2. The wedding party ran out of wine, and Mary was insistent, that with her Son’s help, the issue could be resolved on behalf of the bride and groom. While Jesus performed his first public miracle that day, I read the story and think about his mother. She was undoubtedly confident in his ability. She had faith in her Son’s ability to act and do the unthinkable. 

Today, I encourage you to take a step forward in your confidence in Jesus’ ability to act. Countless people experienced his miraculous power in person, but he is still performing miracles today! Is anything holding you back today in your confidence in Jesus? Fear? The unknown? Lack of understanding? Jesus wants to know you have faith in his ability. Many moments in life require bravery and courage from the individual, but with every breath, express your confidence in Jesus Christ. He is faithful!