Friday | Week 8
As I write this, our country and our world are going through a crisis which many thought could never happen. Major events canceled; large gatherings stopped.
In our passage we see religious people doubting the truth about who Jesus is. The main objections came from those who had the most to lose, religious leaders who made pretty good lives for themselves. Jesus boldly proclaimed who He was.
To make matters worse, Jesus healed a man blind from birth and, (oh my!), He did it on the Sabbath. That was totally unacceptable; now they’ve got Him. After questioning the healed man about Jesus, he gave one of the greatest responses in the Scriptures. In John 9:25, the man replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see.” The healed man believed and put his trust in Jesus Christ. Believing who Jesus is--this is the crux of the passage. Many doubted in fear of what they might lose. The religious elite did not want to give up power. The healed man’s parents feared being kicked out of the temple, ostracized from community and making life more difficult than it already was.
How about you? Going through difficult times, who do you say Jesus is? Many will say He’s the Son of God, He’s my Savior. Those are good answers. But how are you responding in the difficult times? Is Jesus really who you say He is in your actions? As difficult times increase, does your worry and anxiety increase? Jesus Christ is every bit of who He claims to be, and quite honestly how you respond to Jesus will never change that. He was and is and always will be God. Remember this, the next time things don’t go your way, or you think things are not fair. Instead, thank God for your salvation! Thank Him for the eternal destiny that He secured for you. Jesus is who He said He is in spite of how you feel. Tough times come and our hope should be found in who Jesus is, the Son of God.