Monday | Week 12

In this passage, Jesus lets the disciples know that He will only be with them for a short time longer. And He tells them “Where I’m going you cannot come” (John 13:33). Peter says, “Hold on Lord, I want to come. I will lay my life down for you.” Jesus responds, “Really Peter? I tell you before the rooster crows three times you will disown Me three times” (paraphrase John 13:37-38). Jesus, knowing the disciples are getting anxious about the future, comforts them. He lets them know that He is the way to the Father and if you know Him you will know the Father.

He continues to encourage them by telling them that faith in Him will allow them to do greater things than even He did while on earth. How will that work? Jesus promises them the Holy Spirit. He will be their counselor, the Spirit of truth, and He will be with them forever. He will give them peace that goes far above their circumstances.

In chapter 15, Jesus uses the analogy of the vine and the branches. He tells them that followers of Christ must remain in the vine. Jesus tells them as the Father loved them, He in turn will love them. And that this great love will cause Him to lay down His life for them. “This is My commandment, that you love one another” (John 15:12 NASB). He closes this section of Scripture by letting them know that all these things He has told them will keep them from going astray. The Holy Spirit will work in and through them, comforting, teaching, and convicting them. All of these things will be needed when He leaves. He tells them they will grieve His departure, but joy will come when the Holy Spirit will come and abide in them. He told them these things so that they may have peace in this world. “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Discussion Questions

  1. Why couldn’t the disciples go where Jesus was going?

  2. Why did Peter disown Jesus?

  3. In what ways has the Holy Spirit given you peace?

  4. How are you loving others as Jesus has loved you?