An invitation to Lent

Lent marks the forty days before Easter (not including Sundays).  Just as Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness preparing himself, so Lent prepares us, too. It is a time to draw closer to Jesus, to know him more deeply by reflecting on what he said about Himself.

What is Lent?

Lent is from the Anglo Saxon word lencten meaning “lengthen” as the days of spring lengthen. Length is the 40 days (not including Sunday) leading up to Easter. It is the time to ready our hearts, minds, and souls for Easter through self-examination and reflection.

What is Ash Wednesday?

Ash Wednesday is the day that begins the Lenten season. The ashes symbolize our grief for our sin and our own mortality— You are dust, and to dust you shall return. (Genesis 3:19) The ashes are made from the burning of palm branches from last year‘s Palm Sunday.

During Lent, We Invite You To:

  • Draw near to and go deeper with God.

  • Search your heart and repent of your sins.

  • Give up a luxury item. (chocolate, alcohol, media)

  • Fast from certain foods.

  • Pray more intensively.

  • Read and meditate on God‘s word.

  • Pursue charitable acts of kindness and generosity.

I Am Statements

This Lent we invite you to reflect on what Jesus specifically said about himself, about who he is. Jesus’ seven “I am” statements are found in the gospel of John. As the days of spring lengthen, we invite you to linger each week on one of the “I am” statements. The first statement begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5, the beginning of Lent.

March 5          I am the bread of life.                              John 6:35

March 12         I am the light of the world.                      John 8:12

March 19        I am the door.                                         John 10:7

March 25        I am the good shepherd.                         John 10:11

April 2         I am the resurrection and the life.           John 11:25

April 9            I am the way, the truth, and the life.       John 14:6

April 16           I am the vine.                                         John 15:5