

October 4 - November 25


Paul directed the church at Philippi to “have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus.” But what does that look like? We take 8 weeks to study one verse with an incredibly deep meaning.



October 7 | Bill Clark

In humility, Christ “did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” The humility Jesus displayed in going to the cross is one we must emulate every day.


October 14 | Adam Barnett

Having the same attitude as Christ means having compassion for others. That compassion cannot be sourced from within ourselves, but we must seek to be a conduit for Jesus' compassion. Adam Barnett continues our look at Philippians 2:5 and what having the attitude of Christ truly means.


October 21 | Bill Clark

Bill Clark explores the fearlessness of Christ as we continue in our series studying Philippians 2:5 and Paul's admonishment to have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus.


October 28 | Adam Barnett

Patience is essential in having healthy and uplifting relationships with others. Jesus displayed patience and when we have patience, we are seeing the evidence of Christ in us. Adam Barnett lays out what patience means, how it’s shown, and why it’s so important!


November 4 | Denise McKinney

We can exhibit and embody the peace of Christ by remembering how Christ has shown peace and restoration in our world and in our own lives. Denise McKinney reminds us that although hostility tears people apart, peace can tear down the walls of hostility we have built.


November 11 | Bill Clark

The joy that Christ displayed through all circumstances is an example for us to follow in our daily lives. Bill Clark reminds us that true joy, from the true source of the vine, is not dependent on circumstance but is steadfast.


November 18 | Adam Barnett

Jesus’ attitude of mercy was beautifully displayed in his interaction with the accused woman in John chapter 8. The mercy of Christ doesn’t excuse sin, but it has a transformative effect on those who experience it. Be transformed by putting on an attitude of mercy every day.


November 25 | Wopsle

When Paul encouraged us to have the same attitude as Christ, he was speaking not just to the condition of our hearts, but to the way we live out that attitude. Wopsle wraps up our discussion of Philippians 2:5 by exploring what it looks like to align our actions and attitudes under the example and leading of the Holy Spirit.