May 9–August 15, 2021
The 150 Psalms are prayers and songs that express deep joy, longing, lament, praise, celebration, and hope. This Summer, we spend 15 weeks soaking in the book of Psalms together. Each week’s message will explore a particular Psalm and we will discover together the power in this beautiful book.
Resources for Study & Prayer
Print Devotional
To aid us in this exploration, we have a devotional book we have created through the contributions of over 40 writers and artists. This book is not a day-by-day companion to the teaching series, but a resource to assist in meditating and reflecting on all 150 Psalms.
Music for Meditation & Reflection
We've put together a playlist on Spotify that can be helpful while reading and meditating on the Psalms. Please join us in listening as we worship, meditate, and engage in the Psalms together.
You can sample the playlist here, and listen to the entire thing with a free Spotify account.