September 9 - September 30
Join us throughout the month of September as we explore the vision for Redeemer, what it looks like to live a redeemed life in Jesus, and how that impacts the way we interact with our neighbors and community!
September 9 | Bill Clark
Jesus responds to a particular request from a mother of two of his disciples with a surprising answer about a person’s place in the kingdom. Jesus tells her that the greatest among his followers is the one who becomes a servant, as Christ became a servant. And to do that, there will be suffering. Bill Clark opens our series on the way to lived a redeemed life by exploring how serving is essential.
September 16 | Adam Barnett & Wopsle
Growth in our faith is an essential part of a vibrant relationship with Christ. And growth happens both individually and corporately. We grow together as we grow on our own. Adam Barnett and Wopsle share in our second week of the series how both types of growth happen within our church and the body of Christ.
September 23 | Bill Clark & Denise McKinney
Worship is an essential part of our spiritual life and an essential part of being a redeemed person! God’s presence can change everything! Bill Clark and Denise McKinney discuss worship and how we can experience God’s presence throughout our daily lives in week 3 of our Redeemer People series.
September 30 | Adam Barnett
We have studied for the past 3 weeks the ways we are called to live out our redeemed life in Christ and what being a redeemed person really looks like. Pastor Adam Barnett concludes our series by reminding us of the things we share and how we are called to live those things out in love with those around us.