We have been blessed with a wonderful facility and campus.  It is our intention to use them to glorify God through worship and community with each other as well as our neighbors.

For this reason, we have opened our "North Forty" for use as soccer practice fields in hopes of providing a location that encourages adults to get involved as coaches enabling the children of our community to learn the benefits of teamwork and caring for each other.

Guidelines are necessary to allow use by as many as possible and to assure a fun, stress free environment. Please be sure to read the guidelines. The submission of your request will serve as your acknowledgement of having read and being in agreement with these guidelines.  

If you don't worship at Redeemer and don't already have a church you call home, please join us for worship on Sunday mornings and for any of our other activities & events that you may find of interest. We look forward to what God has in store and pray His blessings on you & your team whether you wind up practicing here or not.


Due to re-configuring & changes to our outdoor areas, we will not be accepting "early-bird" requests this season.

--Reservations are done in request order.--

Practice Field Requests for the 2025 Spring season will be open January 15 - February 28.