Posts in stress and anxiety
Grieving the World

To say the least, we are living in tumultuous and stressful times. COVID-19 is still out there and we don’t exactly know how that’s going to play out. There is great social and racial unrest. There are scores of people out of work and struggling to buy food. On top of all that, the “normal” life problems (relationships, family struggles, home and car repairs, etc.) are still with us. In addition, the political system seems more committed to blaming the other party than it does to finding solutions. It’s just a tough situation.

One thing that has been challenging about all of this upheaval (for me at least), is the range of reactions to it. For example, on the topic of the COVID crisis, I have found friends and people I respect very much hold widely differing opinions. Some think we overreacted to the COVID situation while others think we underreacted. Some say things should have opened up earlier while others say we went back to work too soon. The same polarization is present as people address the racial and social unrest. Some conclude all policemen are bad while others think all protestors are criminals. Neither is true.

With all of this in mind, I have thought about what God’s reaction would be to our current condition. I would never presume to know the mind of God, but I think I have one thought that seems to fit. I think God is greatly grieved.

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How to Slow Down

As you might recall, last week’s article was an encouragement to develop a “new normal” in regard to busyness. This choice of topic was built around two notions, the first being that many of us (even pre-COVID) have struggled with feeling over-extended and stressed because of our “normal” crowded lifestyle. The second notion was the reality that many of us have had to slow down as we have dealt with the restrictions imposed by COVID. In fact, several people have commented they were grateful for these changes. Subsequently, this appears to be a natural time to make some adjustments. However, I did not make any suggestion or offer any thoughts on how to make these changes. That was a significant oversight on my part. I can remember multiple instances in which someone encouraged me to make changes that I agreed with, but left no information on how to do this. Hopefully, this post will be helpful for those of you who want to develop a “new normal” in regard to busyness. Here are some thoughts:

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A slower “New Normal”

As we go through our current health situation, people are frequently using the term “new normal.” We speculate on what behaviors and perspectives will need to change following COVID-19. The assumption seems to be that these adaptations will become a regular part of our lives thus becoming a “new normal.” With all of that in mind, I want to share some thoughts about something I hope can be a part of a “new normal” for many of us.

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Reminded of the Truth

Charles Dickens begins his classic book, A Tale of Two Cities, with this opening paragraph:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,”.

The book was published in 1859, but this opening seems relevant for today. I think Dickens was trying to describe the complexity, confusion, and paradoxes of the age. So how would we describe the age we have been living in these past few months? Based on what I’ve heard people say, I would have to describe it as the age of “I don’t know what’s going to happen or what to do”. It is a season of uncertainty and unrest.

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Essential versus Non-Essential

One of the effects of the COVID-19 situation is that some new words have become part of our “normal” vocabulary. For example “flattening the curve” and “social distancing” are terms that become a regular part of our communication. Another word that is not new but is being used with greater frequency is the word “essential”. We have heard about essential businesses, essential workers, etc.

With all that in mind I have been wondering about what are some essentials for following Jesus during this season of unrest. I believe there are many things that are good, but might not be essential. Here are four essentials:

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