COVID-19 Updates
July 16, 2020
Dear Redeemer Family,
As we continue to experience the impact of COVID-19 in our community and around the world, regular updates will be shared on our website, social media, and the Buzz. As a church family representing our Lord Jesus Christ, we must be responsible individually and corporately to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We are not to live in a state of fear, but we must also be discerning, wise, and prudent as we seek the Lord's direction. Decision-making has been a collaborative effort involving our staff, Leadership Team, community leaders, and medical professionals in our church family.
Data, statistics, and trends are being monitoring daily as well. We are being methodical and intentional, always keeping your health, safety and well being at the forefront. We recognize that the timing of our reopening may be too soon for some, and not soon enough for others. We are listening to many different approaches, perspectives and opinions; they are all valid and appreciated.
Lastly, if you or someone you know is experiencing financial hardship due to job loss, please do not hesitate to reach out to the church for help. As God continues to be generous to the Redeemer family, we desire to be generous to our community. We also have a faithful prayer team that regularly receives prayer requests from our church family and beyond. Please give us the privilege of praying for you by submitting prayer requests at
We trust that God is strengthening our church and your family during this time. We miss you and look forward to worshipping with you (in person) very soon. God bless you!
With love and gratitude,
Bill Clark & Adam Barnett
Past Updates
March 25, 2020
Redeemer Family and Friends,
Although we are separated physically at this time, our hope is that we would be spiritually connected to God and one another more than ever before!
We will continue to comply with local and state government orders and close our doors for the next 21 days. All in-person programs and gatherings are suspended until further notice. However, we are working behind the scenes to provide worship, discipleship resources, and community through multiple online avenues. Our main hub of communication is our website, but we also encourage you to interact with us on Facebook and Instagram.
If you have relationship with one of our staff members, please reach out to set up a time for a phone call. Our team would love to hear from you and have the privilege of praying with you! You can find all of our staff’s email addresses here.
I am excited for the many new ways our team has adapted their ministries this week! Just a few to highlight:
Our Redeemer Kids Team is launching a Facebook Page for our families with children to interact and stay connected. They’ve also mailed you this week’s discipleship resources.
Our Student Team is providing worship and teaching via YouTube LIVE online, and have set up small groups via telephone. Plus, they are posting countless videos to stay connected with our students. Josiah and Kayla are also posting plenty of material to give all of us a good laugh!
Pastor Joe Scruggs will be providing weekly encouragement online. This week, his letter is titled, “Thoughts for a Difficult Season.” At the bottom of his letter are cell numbers to reach Joe, Bill, Wopsle or me in case you are feeling overwhelmed and would like us to pray with you. If we miss your call, we will do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible.
We know that Sunday School is a high priority for countless Redeemer people. This Sunday, we will provide a link where you find teaching on 1 Peter from Daniel Bunn.
On behalf of all of our ministries, thank you for your consistency and generosity in giving. For those of you who routinely write physical checks and tithe at church, we have a giving box located in our office drive-through that faces 101st Street (behind the mailbox). If you’d rather stay at home, please consider shifting your giving to online. You can click here to start automated giving.
We do encourage all vulnerable populations to abide by the State’s “safer-at-home” order until April 30, and for everyone else to avoid gatherings of 10+ people.
As we show wisdom and discernment, we also continue to believe that
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty
Psalm 91:1
May you rest in the Lord, and may He fill you with peace, hope, and joy during this time.
With love and gratitude,
Adam Barnett
March 14, 2020
Redeemer Family and Friends,
We are aware of the public concern of COVID-19 and acknowledge the increased risk from large gatherings of people. Local schools, businesses, government, and churches are doing their part by temporarily avoiding corporate settings. We desire for Redeemer to cooperate with this communal effort to slow the spread of this virus.
For three decades, you have come to Redeemer. On Sunday, March 15th, Redeemer is coming to you! Tomorrow morning, please go to to watch Bill’s sermon titled “Jesus is Peace.” A fitting message for these uncertain times. The message will be posted by 10:00am.
We will continue to communicate week by week via email, social media, and our website. You may also call our offices: (918) 299-1989. May God encourage our hearts and minds and fill us with hope and joy! God bless you!
— Bill Clark & Adam Barnett